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Reporter Ge Xiaolin burst Baoxiang after three times, the group of renters into flames before fire in village No. 9 Zhang owners, on the west side two upper and lower layer 3, the east one has 2 floors. Local villagers said that the house was divided into at least 20 rooms for rent, there are twenty or thirty people living inside. After the early morning fire raged, the house is in ruins, the roof was burned through. We stopped at the back door on the first floor of the number of electric cars burned to the skeleton. According to the former village team leader Wang Zhang aunt introduced, homeowners Tangmou couple years ago, and Wu moved to the urban areas, the old house for the whole rent, and then by the whole tenant zero rent. In August, just a change of surname Deng's Anhui entire rent. 'Dengmou former Zhangcun entire rent several sets of owners, rented to migrant workers.' The first alarm was living next door on the first floor of a foreign man Pu was next door came the 'bang bang bang' sound of three explosions, a pump ran out of the house, see No. 9 backdoor Private parking between electric vehicles burned up call and rushed to the police. Wang aunt received a phone villagers rushed to the scene, the 'burn the roofs, fires raging, there are tenants fled down, and tenants were trapped in the building for help.' She hastened to greet the neighbors to save, someone moved the ladder, rescued trapped on the second floor of the five or six tenants. Injury three people died and two are still treating 'after firefighters arrived, rescued nine people from the house, there are three died on the spot,' a villager said. 16:00 the same day, Wujin official briefed on this fire, and informed that 'the fire scene to rescue trapped a total of nine people, three of whom died (identity being verified), 2 in hospital for further treatment 4 people discharged after inspection without problems. 'throwing son witnessed the second floor, she think are scared pear oil oil industry subsidies work, helping the main part of the State fisheries fishing vessel oil prices subsidies, which received commissions 11 million. November 2015, Li Changzhong been expelled from the party, dismissed from action, the judiciary has been held criminally responsible. 2. Big Wave Liuzhou Rongshui town primary school students cited the former president Yang et al interception, dividing education funding. Yang cited the school students together with former vice president Liang Shicheng, former member Wei Xiuying reimbursement et al.,

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