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Not perfect, state-owned assets supervision system to be improved, the operating efficiency of state-owned capital should be further improved; some companies chaotic management, internal control, transfer of benefits, loss of state assets and other issues outstanding, enterprise-run social functions and historical issues not fully solving; a number of Party organizations in enterprises manage the party running the party responsibility is not implemented, the role is weakened. Future-oriented, state-owned enterprises are facing increasingly fierce international competition and the enormous challenges of transformation and upgrading. In promoting China's economy has maintained high-speed growth and towards high-end level, improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream in the process of state-owned enterprises is shouldering the significant historical mission and responsibility. To conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strategic decisions, in accordance with the 'four comprehensive' strategic layout requirements, taking economic construction as the central task, adhere problem-oriented, continue to promote the reform of state-owned enterprises to effectively get rid of structural and institutional obstacles, firm, stronger excellent big state-owned enterprises. To do this, we make the following comments. First, the general requirements (a) guiding ideology hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, earnestly implement the party's 18 and the eighth session of the Third and Fourth Plenary Session, in-depth study and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, adhere to and improve the basic economic system, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, adapt to the market, modernization and internationalization of the new situation, in order to liberate and develop the productive forces as the standard, the state-owned capital in order to improve efficiency and enhance the vitality of state-owned enterprises as the center, improve the clarity of property rights, clear responsibilities, separating the management of modern enterprise system, improve the state-owned assets supervision system to prevent the loss of state assets, and comprehensively promote the enterprises according to law, strengthen and improve the party's leadership over state enterprises, state-owned enterprises bigger and stronger and excellent and constantly enhance the vitality of the state-owned economy, control, influence, and ability to resist risks, and lead the initiative to adapt to the new normal economic development, to promote sustained and healthy economic and social development, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream to make a positive contribution. (B) the basic principles - to uphold and improve the basic economic system. This is to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises must grasp the fundamental requirement. We must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public

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