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Civilized state level to promote harmonious livable world-class capital construction implementation of views 'published. 'Opinions', the city will explore the implementation of natural resource assets and environmental responsibility outgoing audit of leading cadres. Eco red zone total land Qicheng 'opinion' clearly, 2020, national spatial development pattern become more optimized. The total resident population, the intensity of space development, urban construction has been effectively controlled. Urban and rural construction land to achieve a negative growth, ecological red line area of ​​the city's total land area ratio of around 70%. The level of energy consumption continued to decline, the total energy consumption control in 7700 tons of standard coal. Low-carbon urban construction has made remarkable achievements in total carbon dioxide emissions peak around 2020. A substantial increase in water use efficiency, water consumption control within the new 3.1 billion cubic meters. Greenway built more than 1,000 km in 2020, Beijing, Tianjin and the protection of the ecological environment coordinated a major breakthrough, environmental air quality has been effectively improved, declined PM2.5年均浓度\x94 2015, about 15%. Reporters learned that last year the city PM2.5年平均浓度为 80.6 micrograms / cubic meter. By 2020, the important functional areas of water quality compliance rate of 77%, the total elimination of black - odor water urban area. Ecological construction to further enhance the quality, the forest coverage rate reached 44% in urban built-up area per capita park green area of ​\x8B16.5 square meters. Green building construction accounted for more than 25% of the proportion of urban, built a number of green building demonstration area. The city's new urban green space 2300 hectares, the forest coverage rate reached the plains more than 30%, built more than 1000 km of various types of greenway. The Government set up the red lead in environmental responsibility fully completed water-saving society. By 2020 the city's total water control in less than 4.3 billion cubic meters, with a negative growth of production of fresh water, control the growth of domestic water, ecological water moderate growth. Accelerate the construction of resource processing facilities, to 2020, per capita solid waste generation and zero-growth native zero landfill, garbage incineration ratio reached 70%. Deepening water, electricity, gas and other resource price reform, the implementation of classification tiered prices. In accordance with the polluter pays principle, to improve the timely discharge of major pollutants and garbage, sewage treatment and other charges. '

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