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Operation to enhance economic vitality of the state-owned, state-owned capital zoom function to achieve state-owned assets as the main target. Public class state-owned enterprises in order to protect people's livelihood, social services, provision of public goods and services as the main target. It is worth noting how the right category, belonging to the investor. 'Guiding Opinions', who invested in accordance with the principle of classification who fulfill the responsibilities of investor organizations responsible for developing the invested enterprises function definition and classification scheme, and dynamically adjusts the local division of state-owned enterprise functions category. For the classification of state-owned enterprises, the reform of State-owned specialist, general manager of Shanghai day strong management consulting firm wave of good wishes that the state-owned enterprises classification is very important, which will follow the SOE reform and regulatory prerequisite for the future lay. The document avoids monopoly this statement, that the original state-owned monopoly in the competitive class of business is the future of the reform objectives and tasks, that is to achieve divestitures. For example, in the oil gas station, oil refining business will come to the market competition, oil will continue to maintain the existing status. Power transmission business to maintain the national grid, the distribution business will achieve competitive technology, which as early as 2002 to put forward, but there has been no progress. CEIBS Lujiazui International Finance Research Institute Liu Shengjun, said state-owned enterprises classification is a highlight of the reform, while the definition of categories also determine the intensity of this reform. Liu Shengjun that, according to document ideas, business enterprises corresponds to a fully competitive field, full field of competition in the end determine how much the intensity of this reform. Liu Shengjun opinion in accordance with international practice, more than 90% of the areas are fully competitive field, you can give up a controlling stake in state-owned enterprises. Britain did not nationalize telecommunications, railway, petroleum, aviation and other fields. In addition to the natural monopoly industries, the vast majority through the market competition. [Difficulty] how to judge whether an enterprise is a commercial or public service category? Currently, the method of how to be more specific classification has not yet announced. How to judge a class of state-owned enterprises is a commercial or public service category? According to Minsheng Securities macro research team studied, there are currently at least 22 provinces issued a SOE reform program, which has 19 provinces

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