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Total emissions fell respectively 2.90%, 3.18%, 4.63%, 8.80%. Edit: SN067 Left spring text (information) China Seismological Network automatic measurement: 15 September 01 at 21 pm in the vicinity of Zhaotong City Qiaojia County (26.9 degrees north latitude, 103.3 degrees east longitude) 3.4 earthquake occurred around the final official results in breaking news prevail. Metathought â—\x8E Every time there was correspondent Ding Zhou Yang three state-owned airlines to enhance direct flights, reducing agent distribution strategy has a new action. Recently, a marketing center in North China Air to the agents nationwide push 'on regulating international network platform ticket sales notice' (hereinafter referred to as 'Notice') within the industry spread. 'Notice' Ctrip, Taobao, to conduct marketing network platform where ticket sales, etc. to make further restrictions - cheap tickets, back Meal, bundling insurance and other products, such as 'traditional profit margins' will be suppressed. Number of ticket agents to the 'Daily Economic News' reporter confirmed that indeed received the notification. It is understood that the notice provisions, the agent shall not in the network platform release lower than the official website of Air China 2% fare tickets, or they will be fined high premiums. This means that the ticket agent business will be a hard day, a major reshuffle is already open. Reporter from informed insiders Air, Air China flights direct current proportion of about 27% of its 2017 direct proportion will reach 50%. 'From last year, the three aircraft in the phasing out of the ticket agent's commission rebate, expand direct sales make major aviation enterprises reduce the cost of several hundred million dollars a year.' But marketing center in North China Air China did not respond to reporters. Heavy fine limit 'cheap tickets' 'We have received on September 11 of the above notice, has now stopped to Ctrip, where to go paid less than other network platform, the official website of Air China International flight tickets of fare.' One engaged Flights Acting account manager, said since September 15, Air China will be illegal agents out of a heavy fine or even cancel the agent qualification agents. It is understood that the 'notice' includes five on the network platform sales and seven penalties prescribed standards. Provisions include sales network platform, the network platform sales ticket prices, Air China must follow

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