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Said that for Beijing the current resources, the ability to ground to Beijing limited periphery. Tongzhou is still pending development. So resources can be attractive to outside overflow may be limited. The next five years, Tongzhou region does have a lot of good ground, but if the purchase of housing prices is suppressed, Yanjiao other regions can not support the current 1.5 yuan / square meters of housing prices. At present, the purchase of the peripheral area of ​​Tongzhou buyers, mostly investment demand, according to the experience of the past contrast Yanjiao Tongzhou price ratio of about 1: 2.5, which is the case in Tongzhou average price of 30,000 yuan per square meter, the price Yanjiao It expected to be at 1.3 million. And now the price per square meter Yanjiao has more than 16,000 yuan, in which case, if the price is stable Tongzhou, Yanjiao market may leave a large number of investors. Therefore, buyers of these areas need to pay attention to policy implications. Beijing Times reporter Liu Xueyu edit: SN117 According to Xinhua News Agency yesterday, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Wu Xiaoqing on 'Environment and Development Forum,' said the first half of this year, the first and second phase of the implementation of air quality, 'air quality the new national standard,' the city's 161 days of average compliance proportion, an increase of 8.2 percentage points, PM2.5 average concentration decreased 17.4% year on year. Wu Xiaoqing said that from January to July, the national implementation of continuous daily penalties, sequestration, limited production discontinued cases 3760; transferred to administrative detention on suspicion of criminal cases 1790 environmental pollution. Meanwhile, the environmental protection departments to strengthen the overall atmosphere, water and soil pollution. Wu Xiaoqing, the 'Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan' deep down the real implementation of the first half of the new air quality standards for 161 cities, air quality average standard number of days the proportion of an increase of 8.2 percentage points, fine particulate matter average concentration decreased 17.4% year on year. 'Water Pollution Prevention Plan of Action' fully implemented, relevant departments issued the relevant supporting policies and measures. 'Soil Pollution Prevention Action Plan' development is being actively promoted. It is understood that environmental protection departments have also guide and supervise the preparation of the country and the central business and down to every 2015 annual emission reduction plan to ensure emission reduction projects on time and put into operation. In the first half of this year, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides

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