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ï»\xBF0 ha, plains forest coverage rate reached more than 30%, the completion of various types of more than 1,000 km of greenways. At the same time, focusing on water environment improvement and ecological restoration of water, an important functional areas of water quality compliance rate of 77%, the total elimination of black - odor water urban area. Ecological construction to further enhance the quality, the forest coverage rate reached 44% in urban built-up area per capita park green area of ​â€\x8B16.5 square meters. Soil environmental quality remained stable overall and continuous improvement, environmental risks are fully controlled, the effective protection of biodiversity. Phase out old vehicles subnational â…\xA1 standard 'Opinion', Beijing will fully implement the Clean Air Action Plan, in order to focus on governance PM2.5 and ozone, continue to promote fuel-efficient vehicle control, Yajian coal, pollution abatement, clean dust and other measures to gradually eliminate heavy pollution weather, to achieve the air quality continues to improve. Strict vehicle control increment, implementation of the national phase VI vehicle pollutant emission standards and vehicle fuel standards, elimination of old vehicles following criteria â…\xA1 country, urban freight cars all over the country â…\xA3 standard, the implementation of new energy vehicles promotion program the basic realization of the city's buses use new energy or low-emission vehicles. Timely improve garbage, sewage treatment and other charges in addition, Beijing will gradually establish cover all major pollutants of the total control system, the environmental quality of air, water, soil, etc., 'only better, not worse.' As a government environmental responsibility redline , to determine the corresponding pollutant emission limits and environmental risk control measures. 'Opinions' clear, the capital of Beijing will be optimized to enhance the core functionality. Six districts of the city to further enhance service support capability, promote the implementation of the old town of restructuring and reform and improve the stock through the ease and lower population density, increase ecological space, enhance the quality of the city. According to reports, Beijing will deepen the water, electricity, gas and other resource price reform, the implementation of classification tiered prices. In accordance with the polluter pays principle, to improve the timely discharge of major pollutants and garbage, sewage treatment and other charges. And actively promote garbage metering and charging, to 2020, per capita solid waste generation and zero-growth native zero landfill, garbage incineration ratio reached 70%. 2020

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