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Discipline inspection room, the Discipline Committee is not the same as the party secretary. Discipline Committee does not have full-time units, according to the actual situation of a single set of discipline inspection room or with relevant departments under one roof. Third, the selection of talents to enrich the discipline inspection team strength, the Group headquarters and the two units added a total of discipline inspection staff of 15 people full-time preparation. Fourth, with the inspection, audit, risk, financial, etc. combine to form together to supervise, strengthen the 'big internal control' system advantages. Group headquarters set up a special office visits, in-depth implementation of the central inspection approach, the discipline inspection team members, or any tour group leader inspector on mission to increase inspection efforts continue to improve inspection results. Fifth, increase efforts to investigate the case. January to July, 2015, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels handled a total of 61 complaints and reports, 17 were registered. The central inspection teams transmitted 30 letters member, Party discipline inspection group one by one carefully handled in accordance with organizational procedures. Wherein nine turn the relevant functional departments; hosted by the discipline inspection and supervision mechanism 21, the issue of prokaryotic true two clues the investigation of prokaryotic conversation letter consultation results are not substantiated taking 17 of the provisional do not have to verify the condition of staging two. RULE leading Party group, strict management of enterprises, according to 'case double check' principle, strengthen the serious accountability efforts. During the rectification, for all types of violations and discipline inspection observations involved a total of 35 relevant persons responsible for accountability process. Where party discipline punishment 16 people, 2 dismissed, removed from their posts four people, two people reprimand, admonishing talking 11 people. To put an end to 'lax, lost in the soft,' the phenomenon of violation of discipline cases of the past two years has been re-verification process, three additional responsibilities were party and government discipline. The move reflects the anti-party group will rot there, there will be greedy Su firm determination within the group caused great shock, played an important role 'after the former Correctional Mi, saving lives' and unite the majority of Party members and cadres of education. 2. With regard to the 'four winds' issue of rectification. Group Party Group profound understanding of the importance of the work style of cadres, the relevant eight musts spirit of the rules and regulations to conduct a comprehensive combing, revised 'Sinochem treatment business executives to perform their duties, operating expenses management approach', 'Sinochem Group contribution

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