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Fact of (a) with regard to manage the party strictly administer the party off the blacklist, 'the airline is Spring Airlines in 2007, will take the lead' slot machines 'in a dozen passengers included in the' no ability to service the passenger list, 'to limit their purchase the ticket passengers on this list are mainly three types: First, the face flight delays, slot machines, take the strike, trouble, affect the rights and interests of other passengers; the second is no reason to abuse passenger Spring employees; Third, malicious occupying a seat, high resale ticket 'cattle.' 'However, there was too restrictive traveler fact very small, and if the other party promises to correct, it may also be withdrawn list. 'Spring Airlines, a source said. Reporter yesterday from the China Eastern Airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines, etc. learned how to limit specific uncivilized behavior, yet no specific rules, after each company plans to be refined according to their circumstances. Guest measures are still restrictions survival 'concerns', 'Spring Airlines has been the practice for many years, but other airlines did not follow up, indicating 'blacklist' system is in fact, there are many issues to be resolved. . '- People in the industry said, for' machine trouble, 'let bygones be bygones most airlines choose, to remain silent in exchange for good service and reputation on the basis of what criteria and procedures will be blacklisted and other passengers, we need to have laws to be clarified and these norms production, requires not only the participation of airlines, passengers also need advice. there are legal source said, in the absence of legal authority before, no matter which airline passengers to limit the number of measures have some concerns, not only because of civil aviation the law has not been a word or two about 'aviation blacklist', but also because the current contract law clearly marked 'carrier engaged in public transportation may not refuse passengers, shippers generally reasonable transport requirements.' for the commitment to public transport services companies , the rejection is a serious allegation items. many European countries are 'aviation blacklist' system, but they are set up based on aviation safety reasons, passengers are not with 'excessive rights' behavior hooks. airline passengers had advocates had claimed, does not mean that every time he would fly 'over rights.' whether of rights of passengers are 'uncivilized behavior' can not unilaterally allow airlines

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