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Problems, suggestions and rectification requirements realistic, to the point, highly relevant and instructive, leading Party group fully endorses, sincerely accept, we should take the most resolute attitude, the most steadfast determination, the most decisive measures, not discount not withhold good grasp patrol feedback implementation of the rectification. (A) unity of thinking, raise awareness. Feedback from the day the central inspection teams, group party meeting immediately, conscientiously study General Secretary Xi Jinping important speech on the patrol and the relevant instructions of Comrade Wang Qishan requirements, deeply understand and accurately grasp the central inspection teams feedback, the high degree of unity and leadership of leading Party group thinking and understanding of the team, determined to fully implement the party strictly standing height, the central inspection teams did not miss a feedback problem, not a relaxing, complete rectification and reform implementation. During a centralized rectification, leading Party group has held five meetings and party group to expand the party group meeting, the central spirit-depth study, study the deployment of implementation of the rectification work. Group party secretary and general manager, Party discipline inspection team leader were interviewed under the corporate leadership team members more than 100 people, stressed the Party members and cadres at all levels should fully understand the extreme importance of the central state-owned enterprises in building a clean government and combat corruption and urgency and resolutely implement the central spirit, top-down pressure conduction, the current tour rectification as one of the most important political task firmly and realistically, do a good job. (B) a clear responsibility to refine the scheme. Group Party Group first set up rectification work leading group, headed by the party secretary, general manager and deputy head of the Party discipline inspection team leader, overall responsibility for the implementation of the rectification work; any other members of the party leadership team members, their In charge of the first areas of implementation of the rectification work bear responsibility. Under the leading group office, specific agencies in the Party discipline inspection group discipline inspection room, by the Party discipline inspection team leader serves as director of the Office. Meanwhile, party research to develop a 'sixth inspection teams on the implementation of the central corrective feedback on the implementation of the program' and 'the central inspection group feedback corrective task decomposition table,' the rectification task refine the decomposition from the group level for the three categories eight aspects 26 specific issues, according to the given task, and personnel, to determine time, responsibility, set the standard, the measures 'six fixed' principle

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