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Nie Shubin mother out of the court accompanied by attorney. Beijing Times reporter Han Lin Junshe Jinghua Times reporter on the 15th learned from the Tianjin Binhai New Area Government, the Tianjin Port staff '8 · 12' disastrous fire explosion caused injuries, disability and follow-up treatment, subsidies, grants treatment standards have been introduced. After the cause of disability in the accident of the masses, the Binhai New Area will be unified and Social Council accept the registration by the appraisal committee of Binhai New Area labor ability, the ability to work in accordance with national accreditation standards, to make application for the appraisal of staff unified level of disability identification. Injured persons with disabilities in line with the conditions can be based on the relevant provisions applying to the CDPF residence certificate with disabilities. Accident injured receive subsidies based on injuries and injuries that circumstances vary. Minor injuries in hospital personnel are not disabled, during hospitalization can enjoy free hospitalization medical expenses comprehensive support and social assistance payments. Based on hospital discharge notice issued hospitalization time, it will give lost income, care, transportation fees, a living allowance. However, the regulations also clear, to be discharged from the hospital without discharge diagnosis, prolonged hospital stay is not included in the scope of the grant assistance. Not recognized due to the accident injuries, treatment of injured personnel discharged in stable condition, were identified to achieve the level of disability, can enjoy five benefits: free hospitalization medical expenses; one-time disability assistance payments, more than the annual urban residents in Tianjin per capita disposable income as the base, calculated according to standard rescue the injured degree of disability and age; compensation for living expenses, is dependent on the injured person rescue disposable objects, according to the degree of dependency loss of working ability, according to Tianjin last year urban residents per capita consumption expenditure standard calculation; comprehensive support and assistance of gold, according to the hospital for medical treatment in hospital issued a notice of discharge time, given including lost income, care, transportation fees, a living allowance; disposable solatium, according to the level of disability, give a certain amount of disposable solatium. For identification of personnel injury, in addition to enjoying applicable 'Injury Insurance Regulations' provides medical treatment and disability work injury insurance, but also enjoy three benefits: disability help gold, after identification of the ability to work appraisal committee, to the level of disability

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