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Necessary requirement for Justice expect. Establish criminal cases fast trial program, in favor of timely punish crime; beneficial to optimize the allocation of judicial resources to solve the contradiction between the judicial practice in the case of few people; help implement justice with mercy, punish the criminal policy of combining education, the Education and Correction offender . According to District Court Criminal Tribunal Zhou Zhengyuan introduced Haizhu wholesale market and more about criminal cases in 1800, more than doubled between the years one year. But the number of Tribunal judges not how to change, and now investigators per capita a year in 300 or so. After the abolition of labor education system, a lot of the original by the RTL system constraints case into the scope of the criminal means of adjustment. 'Some complex criminal cases, some slight, really need simplified shunt.' Zhou Yuan Zheng said that if the minor criminal cases are still with the program past the trial, the defendant may appear 'Crime upside down' phenomenon, that is less misdemeanor sentence long detention time. Prolonged detention of the accused is a mental torture, is not conducive to rehabilitation and social reintegration. Therefore, the pilot cut the speed of criminal procedure, with the necessary reality. B how to protect the rights of the accused? Court president, according to a lawyer to help them Haizhu District Court Wu Yiu Kwong said the judicial practice, criminal defendants rarely cut speed to hire a lawyer involved in litigation. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the accused, exploration of Haizhu District Court in criminal cases cutting speed cutting speed prosecution and the defense consultation mechanism, the popularity of the defense and let the accused to give substantive defense. Haizhu District Criminal Court President Zhou Zhengyuan after research found that most hospital applicable criminal defendant quick judicial Proceedings of lower educational level, limited financial capacity, 'A lot of what is on the defendant to apply for withdrawal, what is sentenced to probation, there is understanding difficult, let alone effectively defend their rights. ' Zhou Yuan Zheng said, in order to guarantee the accused the right to a legal aid and defense statements, etc., to avoid trial due to fast and a mere formality, Haizhu District Court and the District Prosecutor's Office, the District Bureau of Justice after consultation, decided not to hire a lawyer for the economic difficulties of the defendant, without providing 'my family is very difficult' and meet the conditions for legal aid proof materials, direct legal aid lawyer designated by the Bureau of justice by the court to participate in the defense after comprehensive consideration.

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