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In the 'Save power', the Shenzhen in November 2014 to adjust the basic functions of the 189 items on this year again canceled 89 competence matters. Meanwhile, Shenzhen to further intensify efforts to transfer competence matters, the terms of reference of the matter was transferred to 41 community organizations, will be put under one government organization under the terms of reference of 27 issues. According to statistics, by compression handle links, reducing processing time and so on, Shenzhen city a total of 316 items decreased competence to handle links 386, 394 competence matter reduces the processing time 3591 days, 330 competence matter reduces application materials 348 parts. 'Shenzhen eight administrative regions have all been 'sun right'', the Shenzhen Municipal Commission Office official said. Explore the Reform Party department responsibilities list Recently, the reporter click into 'Longgang line', not only to see the 'executive responsibilities list' column, and 'responsibilities party list' section, which includes the District, party, directly under the Party committee , the list of responsibilities belonged to the Party units and other units, District system and mass organizations and other units. Future, this will become the standard list of the powers and responsibilities of the city's districts. According to City Commission Office introduced in June this year, Shenzhen has issued related programs, municipal and district party committee departments have begun to self-examination and self according to the requirements, expected to be completed mandate inventory preparation department before the end of the party committee. In the list of follow-up management responsibilities, powers and responsibilities of downtown Shenzhen, the overall improvement of the list in the urban areas on the same matters standardized presentation, a list of standard and legal basis for future urban dynamic adjustment of the division of responsibilities foundation. 'Urban powers unclear, cross-functional departments mandate has long been a phenomenon exists, subsequent reform mandate list, is to crack this problem,' City Commission Office official said. Meanwhile, Shenzhen will also explore the preparation of 'special responsibility list', focusing clarify inter-departmental and inter-relationship between levels of responsibility, and focus on water pollution control, food safety supervision, investigate and deal with illegal construction and other areas of preparation. Southern News reporter Wu bamboo forest correspondent Yang Mei Lvming Jian Lu snow in June 2014, the NPC Standing Committee on 'experimental legislation' precedent, decided to launch a criminal case speed cutting program pilot in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other 18 cities. That the facts

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