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Recently, Hangzhou and Guangzhou for the start of the reform of the taxi, the provincial transportation departments are closely watching. On the bus trip Week conference held yesterday, the provincial transportation Authority said Jian Fan, deputy director of Jiangsu has been very clear in terms of compensation for the use of the right to operate, free use of the future direction of reform. Taxi franchise fees are paid, Jiangsu long time. In 2002, the Jiangsu provincial government office issued 'Jiangsu Province urban public passenger transport operators right transfer fee and transfer management,' after which 18 cities and counties in Jiangsu implementation of the policy. In 2013, the provincial transportation authorities introduced new regulations requiring cities and counties have not implemented their own purposes shall not operate a taxi right to compensation for use, and shall not receive a fee, the phasing out have been implemented. He explained, in fact, prior to the cancellation of Hangzhou, the province Jiangyin, Zhangjiagang has been achieved the right to operate free of charge to use, and then also in Nanjing this year, April 1 announced, and from January 1 this year to cancel the City Rental car franchise fee paid. The driver is falling 'elements of money,' only the most important, however, the abolition of the right to operate a taxi from Nanjing paid royalties practice, the drivers did not make a lot of burdens. Nanjing announced Taxi franchise fee paid canceled while indeed cut 'elements of money', but that does not drop too fun: ordinary cars rental contract fee standard single shift than the previous down 600 yuan; double shifts down 200 yuan, have dropped respectively, 8.95%, 2.85%, is expected to increase each year as ordinary income the driver model single-class 7200 yuan, dual-class driver to increase income 2400 yuan, this is the sum of the two numbers, with respect to 6,000 yuan a month, a year sixty-seven million elements of money, it really is not that much. It holds many lessons, car, shuttle filled with running, do not pay 'elements of money' will be able to earn thousands of months, so many had felt 'pressure Alexander' taxi driver felt increasingly difficult to do business. Encourage legitimate Internet about cars, to combat illegal car at the same time, the brother of the sisters were expected to straighten out the relationship as soon as the taxi industry, to reduce 'elements of money' reform operating mode. In this regard, the provincial transportation Authority responsible person responded that the province is currently being demonstrated comments relevant internal reform experts. National taxi industry reform guidelines

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