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Senior teachers, more adequate pension, afford to pay nursing home bed fee 'if not, you can take the house mortgage endowment.' Charges of concern after reaching retirement homes, many elderly people immediately took the staff proposed all sorts of doubt. Which has several suites can choose? So far away from the city, but also in the future to live in it for you? However, the limited financial resources of most families lost independence, we are most concerned about is the issue of fees. Another problem is the loss of independence of the elderly problem 'if seriously ill, nursing home how would I like? Especially when someone needs surgery signature, could be signed on behalf of the nursing home?' The old man, vice president of Guangzhou City, Guangzhou hospital nursing home Union chief physician Liu Qi said the emergency situation is indeed difficult to find lost relatives signed the only major problem encountered by elderly people, but it involves legal issues, not the nursing home can be resolved. Liu Qi Union said that the current practice of relevant countries are also explored. Loss zone alone whether labeling? Tsai said that, over the years, primarily by himself and his wife to participate in various activities to resolve sorrow. If you can choose, Tsai still want to live in a nursing home 'loss zone alone' rather than ordinary elderly people living together, as this avoids a lot of stimulation. 'Other older people to visit their children, but we do not. If the same area is inhabited by old people like us, the same boat, to comfort each other, encouraging each other.' Talked about labeling, Tsai believes that since 'it '(the pain of lost son) has become a reality, what a good label? Everything is gone, but others see optimistic that he will be more optimistic. There are also some elderly people on the sidelines, 'want to live in the area, but did not want to be too specialized, so great psychological pressure.' City nursing home is currently 'touch stones' will have an additional psychological services. 'We are also feeling the stones. 'Guangzhou City, a nursing home, the official said, the hospital is the province's only loss of the first tentative construction area nursing homes, in fact, is currently exploring the construction zone of the elderly alone lost much domestic nursing homes, the recent Beijing also carried out similar exploration, but yet we can learn from the experience. 'Obediently Sun' put

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