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Baoshan arrested within a cell. After preliminary investigation, the suspect Xu, 25, Anhui Huainan. Another reporter was informed Xiewen Jian injury is not serious, yesterday attended the foundation laying ceremony of a project Jahwa. Xiewen Jian suspect and should not be more than met yesterday 2:00, Hongkou, Baoshan District police in the vicinity of a cell suspects arrested Xu. According to insiders revealed that more than 16 o'clock the same day, Xu came to the site of the incident, at 18:00, after more than scratch the vehicle fled immediately Xiewen Jian. Insiders also revealed that Xu and Xie Wenjian should not know, do not rule out that someone else ordered. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter arrived at the home of the Office of Baoding Road, Hongkou District, the security company said that the current leadership is not in. Jahwa public relations department official told reporters that the company has not yet received notice of the police, the suspects identity, motive and other not and will not answer. For details on this process from the accident, the reporter learned that the September 18 evening around 6:30, chairman and managing director Xie Wenjian located in Baoding Road from Jahwa office door out, car parked a few meters away roadside. When he'll get on the bus, when suddenly a man rushed to the attack, scratch their right knee. Near the scene shop owner introduced, few pedestrians on the road at that time, movement time of the incident is not large, did not have people gather, he did not witness through, but then came to see the 110 parked outside the home of the company, only more carefully glances. 'Later, the injured car ride away, did not seem like a serious injury.' It is reported that this is not the first time Xiewen Jian trouble. During August 2015 Jahwa last shareholders' meeting, once it was containment in front of the company, it was also the home of the report. In addition, during the general meeting of shareholders, the poles near the home of the company on the road, also posted a 3-page 'complaint letters.' Insider said, 'complaint letters' content for questioning Xiewen Jian came to power in a major project bidding, purchasing department personnel adjustments, the new harvest is not assured, it is also the most convenient measure for 10 minutes with 'wait' test finished back at ease home cooking. If the measured clenbuterol, for about half an hour or so. According to reports, mesh

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