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Government immediately launched the emergency rescue response mechanism, the first time organized public security, traffic police, fire, transportation, health and other related departments rushed to the scene to rescue the injured, carry out remedial work. After nearly 13 hours of rescue work and comprehensive rehabilitation, as of 18:00 the same day, six bodies of the victims have been sent to the funeral home Ejinaqi, five people have confirmed the identity; 11 injury caught get the full treatment, including referral to the east 513 base hospital five (including a severe coma), referred to the Jiuquan City people's hospital 1, retain Ejinaqi hospital two people, and the remaining three cured; the other passengers after receiving medical examination has been properly placed . (End) edit: SN098 Investment Development and Reform Commission Secretary Xu Kunlin After the Beijing News (Reporter hp) Following three ministries issued a notice last year, provident fund loans in different places, the reporter learned yesterday from the Ministry of Housing, specific operating procedures provident fund loans have been introduced in different places. Which provides loans in different places in the city to issue deposit fund deposit certificate. Beijing Ji family may also be deposited in foreign loans in Beijing last year, the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Finance, the central bank issued 'on the development of individual housing provident fund loan business notice' urged all localities to achieve mutual recognition of housing provident fund deposit and transfer off-site connectivity and advance off-site lending, namely sustainable employment to workers housing fund management center issued proof of deposit, to domicile housing fund management center to apply for individual housing provident fund loans. And from all over to see, Hunan, Shandong, Liaoning and other provinces and cities have also introduced a policy provident fund loans in different places, but most of its off-site loan unit defined in the province. This year, the Yangtze River in Changsha, Nanchang, Wuhan, Hefei, these four cities signed the Platform, announced the implementation of off-site loans to each other. Beijing is the implementation of the New Deal more 'happy' in. From January 1 this year since Beijing implement the new policy in the field of housing provident fund deposit Beijing household registration workers in Beijing to buy the first set of housing, and employment may prove to hold deposit Housing Fund Management Center issued to the Beijing Housing Fund Management Center for a loan. Overdue loans as offsite deduct loan account balance building housing the Department recently issued this 'on a remote housing fund

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