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Other provisions 'has been extended to women on maternity leave to 98 days, it has also been proposed should be one year. She said how long maternity leave or to the competent authorities according to the physiological characteristics of human and raising children requires special scientific proof. Background 20 years, three white paper in 2015, 2015 is the 20th anniversary of China put forward the basic national policy of gender equality, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing successfully hosted the 20th anniversary of the State Council Information Office published 'Gender Equality and Women Development in China' white paper. White paper about 1.1 million words, preface, text and conclusion of three parts. This is the Chinese government published the third in women's development white paper. 2005 to commemorate the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held 10 anniversary of the Chinese government issued 'China Gender Equality and Women's Development' white paper. White total 13,000 words, including the introduction, conclusion and national mechanisms to promote gender equality and women's development, women and the economy, women and poverty eradication, women's participation in decision-making and management, women and education, women and health, women and marriage and family, women and 9 part of the environment, women's rights and other legal protection. In 1995 the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing prior to the Congress, the Chinese government published 'China's situation of women' white paper. White Paper about 20,000 words, including the preface and Chinese women's historic liberation, equal legal status and equal rights and an important role in the economic sphere, the broad participation of state and social affairs management, full development in the area of ​​social life, marriage and family the field of equality, women's rights organizations to protect China's active participation section 8 international women's activities. Beijing Morning News reporters Zhang Lu and Zeng He Xinhua News Agency to increase the proportion of women in decision-making â—\x8F 2013 was twelve session of the National People's Congress meeting on behalf of women 23.4% â—\x8F female members 2013 second session of the CPPCC National Committee meeting, 17.8% â—\x8F 2013 the Communist Party of China Party women members 24.3% â—\x8F 2013 directly under the central authorities and institutions of civil servants 47.8% of female civil servants edit: SN098 Pictured Ting performed evening catwalk. Yesterday, Fang Chao coma for nearly 40 days

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