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Span between Xi Jinping to understand, recognize the Sino-US relations. China and the US to consider each other as competitors in the mentality of the past few years have looked up trend, in this context, Xi Jinping visited the United States seem 'particularly important' in the hope he can help reverse some of the negative perceptions of the American people in China. Away from the Confucius Institute at the US Centers for just 7 minutes drive from the White House, to visit Xi Jinping preparations has now also entered the final stage. The White House schedule latest disclosure, the First Lady's press conference will be held on 24 May, devoted couple Xi Jinping reception banquet arrangement, when the menu, banquet site layout arrangements and other details will be unveiled, which is widely expected will likely The 'Chinese elements.' China and the US 'first family' will be how to interact, it remains to be seen. (End) edit: SN098 'Gender Equality and Women Development in China' White Paper published jointly into the trend of the new Office for Family Affairs decision released yesterday, 'China Gender Equality and Women's Development' white paper. White Paper pointed out that more than 70% of women's participation in decision-making concerning important family affairs, gender housework time gap of 10 years ago, 150 minutes to 74 minutes. Gender equality in marriage and family, said the white paper, the latest issue of the social status of Chinese women's survey showed that the couple's joint decision-making family matters become a trend, more than 70% of women's participation in decision-making concerning important family affairs. Men and women shared housework idea to get more recognition, gender housework time gap of 10 years ago, 150 minutes to 74 minutes. Security enforcement to increase in 2013, the State Council issued 'China Population Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking (2013- 2020)', to further improve the mechanism of collaboration departments. Public security organs and resolutely combat violence against women in the criminal acts. In 2013, a total of 25852 cases of rape since cracked, cracked cases of trafficking in women since 4537. Strengthen international judicial cooperation, international cooperation projects, to crack down on cross-border trafficking of women and children across the region. Health and improve the health of women rising, the average life expectancy of women extended in 2010 to 77.4 years, up 4.1 years older than in 2000. By 2014, 90% of pregnant women have access to basic public health services. The maternal mortality rate by two urban-rural gap

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