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It has been killed. Zhao after missing just over a day, the evening of September 13, the Guangdong University of Finance Xiao Wu, senior girls linking schools to help parents and families lost alarm, but as of yesterday, Xiao Wu is still no news. 10 days, bursts of three college students in Guangzhou disappearances, which can not but arouse public concern and worry. Reporters in the online search of nearly three months reported that, according to incomplete statistics, about 10 students lost contact with the relevant reports. In these reports, and some students are away from home during the school fails to return to school when, some travel accident, some go out alone accident. Female Students safety education once again highlighted. Public Security Department of Guangdong Police College Professor Jing Changling said, because parents with care from small to large, resulting in many students learning ability and strong now, but poor self-care ability. Many college students until the first time really leave their parents to live alone. After entering a new environment, living poor, poor social skills, the ability to defense risks is weak, worrying. Universities have to strengthen the safety education of college students frequently lost contact event has sounded the alarm to universities, a number of universities have launched a variety of measures to enhance the safety of students education. In Zhuhai, Zhongshan University campus, school students prompt attention to self-protection and security issues through leaflets, windows, banners, micro-channel, microblogging, SMS and other channels; safety education through lectures, anti-fraud seminar, fire evacuation drills and explosion fear skills training and other forms of student safety education; school also timely notification of new security alarm, the merits of each student and the means to prevent divisions through various channels, the students' attention. South China University of Technology is a multi-sectoral joint, conducted by the Organization for Security and campus research and analysis, according to real cases make innovative forms of video communication and other safety education training, safety skills training, school prevention information posted in various columns, each Institute released security during holidays Education notification, SMS alert, and carry out safety counseling work. Jinan University, also used during military training for freshmen for various safety education and practical operation; at the same time carry out the martial arts teaching, enhance their defense capabilities. â–\xA0 University

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