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Wishes and ambitions. For the 'Li Ka-shing run', the Government has responded. 16, the National Development and Reform Commission deputy Renlian Wei Liang stressed that relates to foreign investment and foreign-invested enterprises issue interests in China, is now promoting a very important objective of the reform is to build a new open economic system, the formation of a more legal, international camp environment. As a result of a series of institutional, more foreign investment confidence in China gradually increased. Source: Unbounded Extra Reporters from the State Council Information Office press conference held on the 17th was informed as to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization is an important reform initiatives, the implementation of leading cadres outgoing audit natural resource assets. Start audit pilot from 2015, gradually expand the scope of the pilot. From 2018 began to form a regular audit system. (Reporter Gao Jing, Yang Weihan) the main target of natural resource assets [Leaders] audit of the outgoing audit what is the local Party committees at all levels of government leading cadres and key areas covered include the pilot audit of land resources, water resources, forest resources, and ecological environment in mining, air pollution control, focusing on asset management of natural resources and to fulfill the ecological situation of environmental protection responsibility for the audit period being audited leading cadres office. GAO Jing, Yang Weihan Gui-Ying Wu [White House: Obama and his wife will be a state banquet in honor of the couple] Xi Jinping said in a statement the White House this morning, President Xi Jinping will be held September 25 to begin a state visit to the United States, Obamas will be the evening of 25 to a state banquet in honor of Xi Jinping couples. The statement said Xi's visit will provide the United States to deepen cooperation in international, regional and bilateral common interests of opportunities, but also allows two people to deal constructively with some differences. In the case of a master plan for the conference and other ecological civilization at the State Council Information Office on the 17th, the Ministry of Environmental Protection Vice Minister Zhai Qing, said after the Environmental Protection Inspector, major questions to ask central reporting, the results of an inspector would like to hand over the Central Organization Department transfer, these results will be used as an important basis for the object inspector leading bodies and leading cadres appraisal appointment and removal. (Reporter Yang Weihan, High King) Inland Revenue Department Huanggang new office building. Video screenshot Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, September 17 (Reporter Fang Lie) - Reporters from Zhejiang

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