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Higher housing transaction price rose year on year, mainly because the four quarters since 2015, serves a high proportion of the total amount of quasi-luxury and luxury gradually increase the proportion of transactions has gradually improved, due to changes in the transaction structure appears. 'In January Beijing second-hand housing transaction volume has appeared carryover as of 29 May, the total amount of Beijing secondary residential net signed in January amounted to 23301 units, up 95.8% from last month rose 14.2%; turnover average price of 41,270 yuan / square meters, rose 16.7%, up 1.7% from a regional perspective, second-hand housing transactions hottest top ten regions include Beiyuan, Wangjing, Beiqijia, home to spend, LiShuiQiao Grandmaster, in peace, Xisanqi , on the ground and Wanquan. 'volume of more than twenty thousand sets of two consecutive months, this case dates back to December 2010, January 2011, the 2015 series of favorable policies to bring further market recovery continued. 'Hu Jinghui said sharply reduce the amount of new supply, coupled with the increasing luxury, partially forced to turn to second-hand housing market demand, home buyers want to catch some plans before the Spring Festival to complete the transaction,' the comprehensive annual superimposed favorable policies and a range of factors action, brought in January trading volume continued to rise, forming a carryover. 'Editor: Li Tianyi Tibet's Nagqu Amdo County, 4.2 earthquake focal depth of 5 km BEIJING, February 2, according to the China Earthquake Networks officially measured: at 12:20 on February 2 in Amdo County, Nagqu Prefecture (34.99 degrees north latitude , 89.54 degrees east longitude) 4.2 earthquake occurred, focal depth of 5 km. Editor: Mao Minmin SN184 Photos from the users Source: China create micro-off signal (China-Maker) Latest data: Guangzhou railway station waiting passengers waiting more than 4.6 million Southern News reporter Kai Guangzhou public security and even the latest statistics: Guangzhou Railway Station Square, east of the bus station and taxi stand, and Central City West road passenger waiting area, currently more than 4.6 million passengers waiting. POLICE are taking the crowd split release, a box cut a peer to ensure unified and orderly flow direction. At present, Guangzhou police have taken control measures in the following sections: 1, second floor west of the Great Northern interchange vehicle to take control measures; 2, A train line within the loop take exit traffic control; 3, people

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