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Global Network reported reporter Guo Pengfei] India 'Post Today' 2 reported that the Indian Embassy in Beijing last year, an official was found with a woman having an affair with mainland China, was transferred back to India surveyed in October 2015. 'Today's Post' quoted anonymous diplomats news that the Indian Embassy officials in Cooma 4 in a variety of tasks in the Embassy, ​​was discovered late last year and employed by the Embassy of China Embassy woman from the south a few apartment kilometers tryst. January 7 this year, retired, then served as Indian Ambassador Conte in late September last year, informed of the matter, Kumar decided to repatriate to India for safety investigations. It is reported that the Chinese woman having an affair with Kumar have also been sacked embassies. It reported that Kumar and other Indian officials in charge of the transfer of several files, some files involving sensitive information, and have permission to enter the fourth floor for security reasons overall control of the embassy, ​​including the ambassador's office. Editor: Ni sub prop Former vice president of Qinghai Lake Chamber of Commerce wanton overdraft credit card Xining 9.5 million yuan BEIJING, Feb. 2 (by Hu Guilong warehouse Xuan @) 2nd morning reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau in Xining City, Qinghai Province, former vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of Hunan Liu a during his tenure, he has to do seven victims charge card fees, to help enhance the credit limit on the grounds defrauding victims of identity information and credit card limit is raised to 500,000 yuan --100 ten thousand yuan after, without the consent of the cardholder, wantonly squandered credit card overdraft amounting to a total of 9.5 million yuan after the escape and hide. Currently, Liu has been arrested in a January 25. According to reports, Xining police recently uncovered eight consecutive credit card fraud, and arrested two suspects, Liu and Lee Seung a certain, involving more than 9.6 million yuan. Lee Seung suspect in an August 8, 2012 to apply for Bank of China Ltd. Qinghai Branch of the bank card unit to handle a credit card. Period, the credit card malicious overdraft of 10 million yuan, the bank repeated reminders, Lee Seung-a refusal to fulfill the repayment and unaccounted for. After investigation, on January 26 suspected credit card fraud suspect Lee Seung a captured. Two suspects are now being processed according to law, the case is under further investigation. (End) Editor: Su Weiran SN226 (Original title: Yunnan youngest hall official 'official

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