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After the enterprises to enter the real estate industry profits in 2006, it began to restrict the SASAC central enterprises the main industry, which actually changed the original state-owned enterprises and general corporate equivalent model. Many regulated, restrictions of state-owned enterprises, the main industry, once limited, and the industries in which prices are highly regulated, how to achieve the goal of increasing the value of these enterprises? SASAC created a 'public' and 'competition' regulatory classification. Public interest and competition are concerned the industry level, not even a word corresponding groups. Industry regulation and supervision of the equity is completely different, and the SAC is avoided without speaking. The comments follow common sense reform will be divided amended to 'public', 'commercial', but did not solve the fundamental relationship between monopoly and competition. And when the state-owned enterprises with the ability to obtain a license to enter the large-scale financial and securities industry, the SASAC official position is the need to study. This former arrogant Christine then regulatory approach, in addition to convenience than for regulators to explain, but also for why not? In this context, the SAC also always 'internal control' as a legitimate excuse for intervention and restrictions, accusing the state-owned the company's waste, low energy and selfish executives, further strengthen restrictions on state-owned companies. Such managers, how capable 'bigger and stronger' positive goal? If this is still an organ in the management of state-owned enterprises, how genuine interest in how private capital to enter? How to promote a mixed economy? SASAC always separating as advertised, the appointment of senior executives of state-owned enterprises, the SASAC selection criteria and procedures are not disclosed. Even the most basic, as a universal property investor representative, to this day, the financial statements of the central enterprises SASAC controls are not public. Listed companies' financial statements can be open, why the public nature of state-owned enterprises more financial data can not be disclosed? Mix reform program proposed by the future does not require SASAC mix reform program, clearly no longer continue to 'manage people, work and assets' regulatory approach, establish a board of directors as the center of corporate governance, in order to set up state-owned asset management companies way to operate state-owned shares of the parent company. Obviously, these programs all point to a clear goal: to exercise is in accordance with the shareholders of state-owned shares should die

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