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Director of the Office of Public Security Authority Yindian Jun said that to collect all kinds of clues to be taken seriously, and never let go. In cases involving damage, damage to the Great Wall, take advantage of the public security organs specialized means, take the traditional survey visits and a combination of the technical investigation, strengthening the chain of evidence, a check in the end, will not be tolerated. 'For scoring, defaced or otherwise intentionally damage the wall of the Great Wall, if the circumstances are relatively minor, be given a warning and reprimand; a serious case, according to' Public Security Administration Punishment Law 'security detention and impose a fine for willful. Great Wall damage alleged criminal offenses, according to 'criminal Law' intentional crimes and intentional damage to cultural monuments destroyed crime investigation prosecution. 'Yindian Jun said. This year, the Hebei public security authorities dispatched police patrol 978 people, effectively prevent the occurrence of damage to the Great Wall of cases. Hebei Province, the Great Wall resources in the province, the Great Wall is widely distributed, age, type of diverse, higher value. Especially the Ming Great Wall, passing through eight municipalities and districts 40 counties (cities, districts), up to 1338.65 kilometers, construction range, well-preserved, the Great Wall protection and utilization of the work plays an important role. Reference News Network September 20 reported that British media said, every Saturday morning, hundreds of Buddhists gathered in Shanghai Huangpu River released. In just three hours, about 2000 loach accompanied by the sound of chanting was run into the muddy waters. According to 'The Economist' magazine reported on September 12, which is released, a word of Buddhism in East Asia, is to capture animals released into nature. Release aims to show compassion, good deeds, are handed down from ancient times. In the Maoist period, Buddhism and other behaviors, released accused of superstitious activities. Now, he released a comeback, especially young people and has been favored wealthy class. Related estimate that the annual release of fish, snakes, turtles, birds, and even the number of ants about 200 million, but how many who do not know. It reported that the organization released the annual income can reach one million yuan. For some monks, the release has become a cash cow. However, the real price to pay, is to be released the animals, as well as their origin and depart - ecological environment. Large-scale illegal

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