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ï»\xBF11-2013. Shihlin storage case for the good work of the Central Office repeatedly heard pursuit pursuit Shandong Province Office report, and field supervision. Shandong Province pursuit office will be stored as a key case Shihlin listed cases, set up a special working group, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection actively coordinating Provincial Procuratorate, provincial Public Security Bureau and Qingdao City Procuratorate, Lee Chang District Prosecutor's Office and other units and do the basic work of investigation . Under strong policy and legal deterrence, reservoir Shihlin ultimately chose to return surrendered. Shihlin storage since the 'Skynet' action in Shandong Province three, is also the country's first 21 appearing in court '100 people through the Red.' Shihlin reservoir was persuaded to return to justice, it is another positive outcome 'Skynet' action further demonstrates the influence of international anti-corruption work in pursuit of stolen goods, the deterrent effect. 2016, Shandong chase four years at 7:23 on May 14, the sea then deputy Mine Shaft Construction on the 1st process, due to slip gray pipe clogging handled properly, resulting in a large tube slide ash fall, causing 13 deaths, 16 people injured in a major accident. December 16 that year, the Shaanxi Provincial Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau website published the 'China Coal Shaanxi Yulin Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. of the sea is Mine' May 14 'major slip gray pipe falling accident investigation report' that the accident was identified as accidents . At the same time because of the mine did not get approved project approval, the case was identified as illegal construction without formalities. Public information, 'National Energy Board on the consent Yu Wang Shaanxi Coal mining the sea to carry out preparatory work for the letter' (TNB Coal [2012] No. 34) requirements, approval of the mine 'without the project, preliminary design and safety design review approval shall not carry out the main construction Shaft excavation. 'the accident, 26 people were accountable, where three people have been disciplined Yulin municipal government, the Coal also 19 people have been disciplined, and another four people were transferred to judicial organs. Even if the accident caused by the State Council attach importance to the punishment also beyond the past, but failed to stop the illegal construction of the sea the Coal continues. 'From the (2015) in May, the sea mines Shaft construction work resumes, 4 Shaft project has been almost completed.' Mine is the sea insider said. 'Financial' Reporters found that the sea has two coal mines in the construction area, where a construction zone on the ground has built an office building, but in a suspended

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