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ï»\xBF, The handling organ shall listen to the defense counsel, in accordance with legal procedures, examine and verify relevant evidence, and shall decide whether to exclude. During a court hearing, the judge should focus on equality rights litigation and prosecution and defense balance. For lawyers to ask questions, cross-examination, the content of the debate, manner, time, etc., according to the law court should guarantee fair. Lawyers want to see the people's court record of the trial recording process, recording the people's court should be permitted. 'Regulations' proposes measures to facilitate the lawyers involved in litigation, emphasizing the people's courts, people's procuratorates, public security organs, state security organs and judicial administrative agencies shall establish and improve litigation services center, the filing or by the case place, lawyer visiting room, scoring room, standardize work processes, facilitate lawyer to handle filing, meeting, marking, participation in hearings, application execution and other matters. Detention center should be established to meet booking platform, take online booking, telephone booking and other ways to facilitate defense counsel meeting. Conditional people's court shall establish specialized channels lawyers involved in litigation, lawyers involved in litigation to enter people's court is really necessary security checks, and shall perform their duties in court prosecutors treated equally. 'Require' further improve the protection of the rights of lawyers relief mechanism and accountability mechanisms. From the complaints mechanism, the complainant accused mechanism, safeguard the rights of lawyers to practice rapid response mechanism and linkage mechanism, joint conference system and other aspects of the various departments of the lawyers rights protection mechanism make provision for relief. Also suggested that authorities handling the complaint or on an organ, the People's Procuratorate of lawyers, complaints, complaints, after investigation and verification requirements for the relevant authorities to rectify the relevant authorities refused to correct or tired correct recidivism should be investigated for appropriate discipline responsibility. 'Regulations' stressed the need to regulate by law legal service order, and severely punish illegal fake lawyers and legal services behavior. Without obtaining a lawyer's practice certificate or has been canceled, revoked the practicing certificate of the person name of the solicitor to provide legal services or engage in related activities, or the use of the relevant law stipulates that citizens acting on agent ad litem or defend illegal profit, according to the law be held accountable , causing serious consequences, be held criminally responsible.

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