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Self-driving trips should avoid speeding, driver fatigue or distraction (such as the phone, adjust sound, etc.) driving. Autumn is the best season Canadian Maple Leaf, the embassy car to remind visitors, enjoy the scenery do not get distracted or casual stop taking pictures, 'in case of beauty, not looked around while driving, do not arbitrarily be parked on the roadside or emergency strip' . The embassy said, in addition to travel during the National Day should be noted that strict compliance with Canadian laws and regulations; in public, to be dressed, no noise, no quarrel, no graffiti; modest comity, gas others; in case of flight delays, should be more understanding and with a complaint should be through the normal channels. This is the Chinese Embassy in Canada recently released the second for Chinese citizens brigade plus reminder. Prior to September 11, the new semester on the occasion, the embassy issued 'to the Chinese students consul reminder' to remind China often linked in Canadian students and their families, keep your passport, to avoid long-term absenteeism, illegal work, pay attention to traffic safety, choose carefully roommate to avoid dazzle rich opulent. The embassy said, due to higher rental costs, many students will be sharing housing with others. But the character, habits, hobbies and other differences between roommates occasionally some contradictions or conflicts, improper disposal may even evolve into a vicious criminal cases. Therefore, the choice should be cautious roommate, we should try to achieve harmony between the roommates. Some students because more affluent families, lavish, easy to criminals eyeing. Therefore, we recommend that students avoid to reveal the rich show off their wealth. (End) edit: SN117 Profile photo White House Rose Garden. Beijing News News 'China Outstanding British Film and Television broadcasting season,' a series of activities on September 20 was held in London, England. It is understood by the Chinese film and television drama production companies should select more than 20 film and television drama will be in September 2015 --12 months prime time British Propeller TV music centralized broadcasting. The event sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau of Press and Publication, Xijing culture media (Beijing) Co., contractors, joint British Propeller TV music and Chinese companies to participate in more than 20 film and television. 'China Outstanding British Film and Television broadcasting season' series of activities by the Chinese TV drama broadcasting, film and television companies in Britain

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