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Various obstacles. 'To investigators, Liu Dawei vast majority of violations,' not personally, not directly handle ', has registered dozens of companies, has opened more than two hundred accounts, the collective assets and turn to investigators planted scam. he bought in Hefei, Beijing, Shanghai and the United States real estate, just like his wife back in 2003 to do a fake divorce to facilitate the transfer of assets. It is understood that, in order to identify cases of Liu Dawei, head of the main requirements of Huaibei Municipal concentrate, deep thorough investigation, Huaibei City Commission for Discipline Inspection established case command group held several meetings to coordinate, Lieshan Discipline deployed 14 investigators focused on tackling the backbone of investigation group from the country more than 30 times, more than 200 bank account verification, investigation and evidence collection 500 times, dossier only have one meter. 19 persons involved in judicial proceedings, a number of 'umbrella' currently being investigated, Woan Liu Dawei 19 people involved have entered the judicial process, a number of 'umbrella' is being investigated which received Liu Dawei Lieshan former Party secretary Liu Ya 380,000 yuan bribe, received a car Lieshan Liu Dawei Dong Haibo former deputy mayor has been sentenced Anhui Province Commission for Discipline Inspection, the immense this 'little arch corrupt official' cases involving, involved in 13%, infrastructure and maintenance projects Canlian 20 total amount of $ 200 million budget implementation rate of 26.52% in Baiyun, Huangpu audit found that in 2013, Baiyun District 1198 project year implementation rate of less than 50% , involving an amount of 2.591 billion yuan, of which 785 projects spending the year was zero, involving an amount of 1.541 billion yuan. SOE audit companies whole chapter to the issue of concern audit companies not named in the report is disclosed on the original Metro Corporation, Guangzhou light Industry Group 7 in the financial income and expenditure audit, involving total assets of 308.8 billion yuan. It was found that many problems, such as accounting information reflects untrue, and involving an amount of hundreds of billions of dollars, but someone's business report mostly 'a group', 'individual enterprise' refers to, as in previous years did not point out the specific business name. media briefing will be in front of the City Accounting Office Deputy Director Yan Jianbei explained that this year's audit report in this business audit unnamed, is a reference to the practice of superior auditing department. However, the Express reporter

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