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The number of students will shrink 36 percent, two generations will shrink by 60%. The number of births so fast shrinking, the Chinese population is not old strange. China population aging remedy train was already moving up, because the inertia of population reproduction and low fertility reality of China, this will not stop the train, but more open faster, until open to severe aging future. UBS Securities in its report entitled - Report 'Asian structural problems of aging Asia', the Chinese investment as one of the riskiest countries, severe aging and its impact on the consumer, the economy, society is a key considerations. Aging reduces the activity of an economy, aging and low birth rate (ie, 0 to 14 years depopulation) stack, it means huge pension risk. Pension will face 'pay fewer people, many people pick up the money,' the dilemma, reduced working-age population means that future pension services to enhance the price, there may even be difficult to get suitable conditions of the elderly rich services. Digital has clearly revealed the reality. The question is, what can we do to delay the rate of aging? Heya Fu demographers believe that the aging population is not a pain, but long-term pains. Alleviate the aging of the population, the main method is to increase the total fertility rate to replacement level near the generations. This requires fertility policy to make major adjustments. Two children alone two children from single to double, fertility policy has changed, but compared with the reality of a demographic crisis, still lag. In the opinion of many demographers, fertility policy adjustments now it was too late. Peking University sociology demographers 1995, Mr. Li suggested that the best smooth transition time adjusting birth policy is about 2000. Now from 2000 has been the past 15 years, fertility policy adjustments also pause on a separate second child. Mr. Li believes that population policies need to advance the development, because it is lagging behind the change itself, but also a certain inertia and periodicity. Indeed, the total fertility rate of China's population in the early 90s of last century, dropped to generational replacement level, but because of the inertia of population growth, the population continues to grow. 2012 and 2014 the working-age population has a net decrease for three consecutive years, accelerated aging, these

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