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China Telecom Shanghai Office Network 'Forward, but soon, the publisher to delete this article microblogging. After that, China Telecom Group official said, has not yet received the relevant notification, the event is to understand according to the reporter, in China mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, the three operators of the existing tariff packages policy, the flow is not cleared by the end of the quarter with a flow of business packages, package six months, in addition there are some special packages in a similar not cleared provisions, but it did not end the traffic does not apply to large-scale clearing among the general package. However, in addition to the three operators of virtual operators, there will be several 'not cleared' as the highlight of their business also attracted a number of user attention. mobile phone users by the end of the phone package flow cleared a larger opinion, calling carriers canceled package flow cleared sound has always been there. this year, the three operators in the publication 'speed drop fee 'initiative when, also have announced a number of program flow is not cleared, mainly quarterly packages, package six months, traffic bank, etc. appear, and users do not imagine that the full range of' traffic is not cleared. ' However, 'traffic is not cleared,' the majority of the communications industry insiders are not supported, considered a violation of the law of the pricing practices of telecommunications editor:. SN098 Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress Chenan Wei said after the transformation of even the most basic training course qualifications are lower than the â–\xA0 Express reporter Xie Yuanyuan text / 85-year-old western suburbs Yongchang, in 2012 through the transformation of transfiguration beach Yongchang, from a professional sports have turned tourism function, more public places, through the process of the public have been applauded. Express reporter learned yesterday, the Guangzhou Municipal Sports Bureau, led the day before yesterday, Liwan District, the relevant departments, with the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, the experts held a forum in the western suburbs of Yongchang, Yongchang west of upgrading works for evaluation. Study found that there is a big security risk in the construction of the pool, the pool has been built do not meet national standards. Representative questioned Yongchang invested 250 million yuan to transform, but there are security risks. Guangzhou Sports Bureau said Yongchang hardware has been basically a foregone conclusion, only local improvements. After the transformation has been the training ground do not have qualified to represent quality

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