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Army Commander Soe Win with People's Liberation Army Deputy Chief of Staff Sun Jianguo, 21, held the second strategic security consultation between the two armies. Soe Win also met with Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan. According to the Japanese diplomatic scholar website reported September 23, the main problem is that the two sides discussed border security. This spring, the outbreak of violent clashes between the Burmese army and ethnic minority rebels has led to the situation near the Burma border unrest. Thousands of refugees from Burma crossed the border into China to escape the war. He reported that the fighting also spread outward from the border areas, and even some bombs fell on the Chinese territory. In March this year, the Myanmar Air Force air strike accidentally hit China's Yunnan Province, a sugar cane field, resulting in five Chinese citizens lost their lives. In response, the People's Liberation Army to send aircraft to the border area, 'tracking, monitoring, warning and expulsion' Myanmar Air Force fighter. Vice-Chairman of Chinese Central Military Commission Fan Changlong was warned that if such incidents from happening again, Chinese armed forces will take firm and decisive measures to protect the Chinese people's lives and property. Later, after the two sides conducted a joint investigation, the Government of Myanmar to the incident apologized. Reported that China particularly anxious to ensure that this year's spring event will not be repeated. In consultation with Soe Win, the Sun Jianguo said the two countries to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. The two sides also discussed bilateral relations in a wider range of issues. According to reports, during the meeting with Chang Wanquan, the Soe Win said Myanmar is willing to 'strengthen strategic communication and pragmatic cooperation with the Chinese army.' Recently, however, the United States 'foreign policy' bimonthly article said that the Burmese military is to get rid of dependence on China's history, even though Myanmar remains one of the three main destinations for Chinese arms exports. Newspaper September 23 (Reporter Li Feifei) 22, Shanxi Province prosecutors Judges Selection Committee was established, marking the Shanxi judicial system reform work has entered a substantive stage of implementation. 17 professionals from all walks of life employed as Selection Committee, they will jointly strictly from a professional point of view of judges, prosecutors 'doorway' to ensure that the outstanding judges, prosecutors elected to judicial and procuratorial work of the first line. Shanxi prosecutors Judges Selection Committee

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