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Country, countries take on more responsibility. This is as a global power must have the condition. Hong Kong, 'Wen Wei Po net' quoted the comments also said that China has never been like this, a more responsible attitude towards national development issues in the world, China has never been so concerned about the development problems of the least developed countries. China has committed to world peace, and make full use of the UN Security Council to play its role. China is now fully aware that there is no development without peace, willing to work together with other developing countries. 'South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund' is an important platform for China to promote cooperation among developing countries, but also help other developing countries China an important starting point toward the road to prosperity. It can be said that the United Nations Development Summit was a watershed, it not only marks China will be fully involved in the development of United Nations affairs, more importantly, China will play a more important role in world development. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, 'Global Times' reporter on China's achievements in poverty reduction amazed. He said China has made great achievements in poverty reduction and other fields. In the past 25 years, China will play in the eradication of extreme poverty in human history the biggest role in helping China about 600 million people out of poverty, therefore, China in eradicating poverty is the world's most experienced countries. United Nations Under-Secretary-General and the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing A Charlie Asia told the 'Global Times' from the 1950s beginning of South-South cooperation, China has played an important role, over the past decades, China's own strength, the South-South cooperation has made many contributions to play an active leadership role in South-South cooperation. The United Nations is responsible for the UN General Assembly and Conference Management of the Under-Secretary-cap figure shows that China is a developing country's good friend and partner, he is looking forward Xi Jinping will be the first statement in the general debate, I hope that this visit will further promote the China and the United Nations cooperation in various fields. [Global Times to the United Nations, Germany Aoki mission special correspondent Miao Yin Chen Duhai Chuan Wu Zhiwei] edit: SN123 On Sino-US new large Xi Jinping

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