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Law. How to Fight the fire, Sun Chenglin said he can not water or foam, carbon dioxide is also invalid shall fire with dry graphite powder or other dry powder (such as dry sand). Edition text / reporter Wang Xuan Hui Lihong Peng Li Wenji Xinhua Lanzhou September 19 news (reporter Liang) Gansu Province Food and Drug Administration recently issued edible oils, fats and their products sampling failure information, including a sample of 22 batches of unqualified. The Gansu province-wide production and operation of 74 batches of edible oils, fats and their products for the supervision and sampling, including sampling project samples tested 52 batches, 22 batches of samples, involving a total of 36 production enterprises The product. Nominal production enterprises in the province involved in the case of failure, Gansu Province Food and Drug Administration departments at all levels have been ordered to the company and the sampling units to take timely stop production, shelf, recall and other measures, and the food was substandard market inventory. Gansu Province Food and Drug Authority prompted consumers to be notified if found substandard food in the market, you can call the complaint hotline 12331 to make a complaint or report. Edit: SN028 Liu Xinhua Harbin September 19 news (reporter Xu positive) Songhua River a contemporary 'Dragon Beard Ditch' - Zhaolan New River pollution for decades without setting to get treatment, a steady stream of water injected via the Hulan River Songhua. Sewage flow behind the industrial cities and counties along the river, long-term excessive discharge of sewage, river silt deposits outstanding for decades. Faced with sewers and stinking Zhaolan New River, along the masses for many years, 'complained' no one actually asked. Residents along the river stinking sewers survival 'of the suffering heart and lung' Home Pro is a river, 60-year-old resident of Heilongjiang Zhaodong ARMY not a day enjoyable day. Since near the river perennial drift with an 'stench', to a hot summer, ARMY prefer to put their 'boring' in the house is not willing to open the window, and sometimes even the winter wind with plastic sheeting on windows is not willing to tear. ARMY mouth of the river named Zhao Lan River. This began in 1966, cutting the man-made river, from the territory of Ken Green Anda bubble eventually into the Songhua River by the Hulan River. A total length of 93 km of Zhaolan New River, 70 km trunk

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