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Level cadres. Statistics show that students had painted Yao is a professor of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, doctoral tutor, member of the CPPCC Guangdong Province, the State Council special allowance. March 2014, on suspicion of discipline, Tu Yao Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of Health was informed that the organization undergoing investigation. Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang September 19 news (reporter Yan Lei from) Indian River County, Guizhou Province, 19 news release, the county Department of Transportation deputy director Jiang Yuzhong because of ridicule, slapping County People's Hospital doctors were dismissed, public security organs according to their administrative detention 7 Japan imposed a fine of 500 yuan. Reporters from Indian River County Propaganda Department learned that September 17, the Indian River County Department of Transportation deputy director Jiang Yuzhong County People's Hospital, accompanied by his wife to see a doctor, his wife for 'diarrhea' treatment, the physician on duty security of a reception, issued in time for the patient related to a single test. Jiang Yuzhong During the test results are not yet out, the requirements for the security of a prescription his wife, Ann interpreted to be a reason for the test results confirmed diarrhea to open, and Jiang Yuzhong curse Ann slapped a slap in the face, was the scene of the doctor-patient timely discourage isolation. Subsequently, the security of a vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms, the security of a hospital for a CT examination and admitted for observation. After the incident, Indian River county government attaches great importance to the relevant departments to carry out prompt investigation and evidence gathering. Jiang Yuzhong was 18 when an apology for the safety and security of a bear represents medical expenses. On the same day, Indian River county standing committee decided to dismiss Deputy Director Jiang Yuzhong County Transportation Authority positions, and removed transportation system. Jiang Yuzhong county public security organs according to law, administrative detention on the 7th and impose a fine of 500 yuan. (Finish) Depending on '' In the past I thought blinded by religious extremism, through religious scholars and police education, I began to despair slowly from passive freed initiative to reform. Looking back now, their crimes, know that this is how ignorant ignorance, felt very ashamed, shrouded heart is remorse. '' Change their thinking awakened my humanity and conscience, I offered to show up preaching, with my experience of crime warning to others. I am here today once again: and all divisions, extremist ideas and terrorist organizations a complete break, draw the line, to be a law-abiding, qualified Chinese citizens. 'Statement, the two commuted guilty person, repeatedly bowed and said,

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