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Field; Facebook founder Zuckerberg more drying out the photo and the President Xi Jinping, he recorded the situation with Chinese President Xi Jinping and exchange, saying it was his 'personal milestone.' Although because of different conditions, different stages of development, different forms of development of Sino-US Internet, different characteristics, but the forum can be found, the impulse for innovation and entrepreneurship, to promote the Internet economy development objectives, demands for win-win cooperation, China and the US Internet companies are the same. It is because of these 'same' and 'different,' bilateral cooperation in the field of the Internet have unlimited imagination. Sino-US complementary advantages in cyberspace, the depth of integration, mutual benefit, imperative. The United States is the birthplace of the Internet, the Internet is the most technologically advanced countries; China is the world's largest Internet market, but also the United States high-tech enterprise paradise. More than 600 million Internet users in China has brought unlimited business opportunities, more than 2500 US IT companies to invest in China, a lot of profits in the Chinese market has more than profits in the United States. Both for the Chinese economy or the US economy, which is a very positive impact. Yang said the Sino-US mutual benefit and win-win best example. Over the past 10 years, the association invested $ 7 billion in the United States, to promote the development of the association in the world, it has also led to the US economy. US Internet Rookie Uber (Uber) is no secret of his Chinese market, 'ambition', opened in Seattle Uber software will pop up bilingual page: 'Welcome President Xi Jinping and his party visited' Uber car the icons are stuck in, and the United States flag. However, such 'ambition', also need to be accompanied by further development of the Internet in China recognize. We looked to the future vision to order changes to take place in China an accurate pre-judgment. I randomly interviewed in the streets of Seattle, an American young man said: 'I want to tell President Xi, I like Alibaba, the company's so cool.' WeChat cool. In the United States, it has begun to penetrate the micro channel to the local community from the mainstream of Chinese society, many Americans because of Chinese friends and active use of micro-channel. He said music is like Fu, China today is not only a huge market,

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