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Or bad influence. Beijing Morning News reporter He Xin â–\xA0 news remind the Court: the parties need to break the law filing since May this year since filing registration system implemented, throughout the People's Court accepted the case also increased significantly. Party mistook them any prosecution presented the court must accept filing, prosecution unclear accept the premise should be in line with relevant laws and regulations. This, combined with the Haidian court case were not accepted to make prompt, enter the parties to avoid misunderstanding. Case: In early 2014, Wang Li found that he bought a city in Hebei Province, a good shop, used as a commercial investment, but money is tight, as long as Wang can be invested 50,000 yuan decoration section, you can share the end income funds 30,000 yuan. Old school out of the trust, the two also agreed to sign a written agreement. Unexpectedly, after the expiration, Wang Li did not comply with the agreement to return the money and investment income. Wang urged after a period of time, Li found the phone down, so he filed to the Haidian court, ask for payment of investment funds and the corresponding revenue. After filing a judge to verify, Mike's domicile for the city Fengtai District, the two sides confirmed that the contract has been fulfilled for the city in Hebei Province. Upon inquiry, Wang said it reason to Haidian court, because of their domicile Haidian District. Analysis: The judge said the case of Wang encountered belong to territorial jurisdiction, mainly based on the domicile of the parties, the subject matter of the location of the event of litigation or legal facts to be determined. In accordance with the provisions of 'Civil Law', because the contract dispute lawsuit brought under the jurisdiction of the domicile of the defendant or the contract is performed courts. The present case, the parties expressly agreed to fulfill the contract for the city in Hebei Province shops, and Mike's domicile for the city Fengtai District, regardless of their domicile or the performance of the contract are not in the Haidian District, Haidian Court therefore has no jurisdiction, We can not accept the case. Beijing Morning News reporters Huang Xiaoyu and Bian Ji: SN123 BEIJING, Guangzhou, September 28 (by Guo Yong Ho Sen) 28 reporter learned from the Guangzhou Railway Group, this year, No. 21 super typhoon 'cuckoo' will be held on the 29th morning to noon in the central coastal Fujian landing, the wind will reach 10 -13 level. To ensure the safety of railway passenger transport, the Guangzhou Railway Group 29 will outage times 39 EMU

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