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Each division will break past 'four plate' pattern, open area dividing territory, regional integration, especially the 'Yangtze River economic belt' will be east-west, north and south. Indeed, the Yangtze River economic belt will cover Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other 11 provinces and cities, population and GDP accounted for more than 40% of the country. Zhang Jun, deputy director of the expansion of the State Council Development Research Center, said that the Yangtze golden waterway across the three regions of the three regional blocks, the development of large differences between provinces Basin, strong economic complementarity. 'By further strengthening the golden waterway transportation construction, and further enhance the industrial development and ecological protection and other aspects of policy coordination between upstream and downstream, planning docking and law enforcement cooperation, to promote the integration of economic development in the basin, so as to better promote the three regions three coordinated development of large regional area. 'China reform Foundation president also said Song Xiaowu, the new era should give full play an important axis across the three regions, connecting the north and south of the regional development with a leading and driving role. 'To give full play to the role of a central shaft, the radiation surrounding areas form a secondary drive shaft and the development of complex development shaft.' Song Xiaowu said that if the full play the leading role of the Yangtze River economic belt, formed by extending the Han River Economic Zone, the Xiangjiang River two shaft developed economic zone, the Gan River economic belt, the formation of the three regions together with the development of the spindle. It is worth noting that it is precisely this 'spindle with' will act as a catalyst in the wake of the weak state of the Chinese economy. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research Party Chuanglin said the Yangtze River Economic Belt is to promote the country's economic growth, improving efficiency and expanding from coastal areas to inland along the Chinese economy with new support. 'Yangtze River economic belt from east to west is a series of urban agglomeration with strategic strong point of economic and sustainable development of urban agglomeration determines the further rise of the Yangtze River economic belt.' China Banking Association chief economist of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing chief China economist Ba also believes that China's economy is 'inwardly' cultivate new regional growth momentum, the Yangtze River economic belt is expected to become 'the backbone of the Chinese economy.' He said that in

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