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Sin road, at home and abroad created a number of violent terrorist cases, innocent people caused a lot of casualties. Early fall into the French Open because of a serious offense, his hands stained with the blood of innocent people, and thought he might be sentenced to death, the party and the government gave me a way out. During the prison, the prison police to carry out all aspects of my education and guidance, give me the right path in life again, I began to crimes against the root causes of crime and to reflect. But the minds of thinking deeply rooted ethnic divisions and religious extremist ideas, I can not resolve it comes to religious crux of the problem, and has always been plagued by these problems. Carried out by the prison 'to the extreme' of education, heads of religious outlook distorted and erroneous understanding of Islam has been completely corrected, so I really realize that I committed crimes in the country before the law, not only is unforgivable felony in Islam also unpardonable sin. I have his sentence reduced today, for me, life is an unforgettable day. I used to think, like me, who can not have his sentence reduced, but the facts at hand to prove that any one as long as inmates pleaded guilty to repentance, to reform, to abandon once and extreme ideological position error, repented, to choose the right path in life, you You will get a chance commutation. Once again, I declare: I am with all divisions, extremist ideas and terrorist organizations has been a complete break, draw a line. Whether at home or abroad, engaged in terrorist activities and separatist activities will never succeed. In the future, whether in prison or living in the community, I will always stay away from crime, and strive to become a law-abiding citizen. I would like to harm because of my crimes against the State and society, as well as because of my offense caused casualties of innocent people, and people because I am confused and turn to crime, expressed sincere apology: 'I'm sorry, will you forgive me!' (Rozi Mamat Tohti Mamat dictation, the Xinjiang Daily Reporter Yao Tong order?) editor: Liu Debin SN222 Xinjiang 11 security risk commuted Zhang guilty according to law made important instructions: as long as efforts to transform the hope that the door will always be open Tianshan news (reporter Wang Na reports) near

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