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Dean of Graduate Wu Fan pointed out, not longevity longevity, health unhealthy, what time you live longer, because you eat cause. Heilongjiang Province, a few years ago started a healthy eating action, and later made an expert assessment found that the average life expectancy rose Heilongjiang old. While diet and getting better and better, but a lot of people do not eat healthy. Shanghai high living standards, the full range of food to eat on the table as the main Hunxing to, changing tastes, plus dessert, eat more tonic, resulting in an increasing number of Shanghai people get 'rich fat.' According to statistics, in 2013 Shanghai overweight adults over the age of 18 was 23.5% and the obesity rate was 9.8%, which means that nearly half of Shanghai people to join the 'Fat Man' ranks, this proportion increased by 5.2% compared with 2007. According to this trend continues, in another ten years, people will be more fat, accompanying diabetes and high blood pressure, and high cholesterol patients will increase. Nuts is not the time to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables Shanghai people eat far not in place. 'Chinese Dietary Guidelines' recommended to eat 300-500 grams of vegetables per person per day, but the latest CDC survey found that Shanghai, Shanghai people per person per day to eat 249 grams of vegetables, not enough. Shanghai people eat fruit from the gap between the amount of the recommended amount greater recommended amount per person to eat 200-400 grams of fruit per day, an average of only Shanghai residents eat 75 grams of fruit per day. Wu Fan particular, fruits and vegetables and drink beverages are not equivalent to eating fruits and vegetables, especially do not advocate drinking fruit juice residue. Spring Festival is coming soon, many people are purchasing stocking, nuts essential. Nuts wholesome, said puzzle nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, cephalin lot. Eat right? Not. Wu Fan gives a negative answer, 'Although nuts have such a good nutrients, but at the same time there are a lot of fat seal, the continued appreciation and rising rent, labor and other operating costs of the yuan in recent years also contributed to the reasons for high prices. One engaged in luxury products research and industry for many years to Beijing Daily reporter revealed that the rapid development of the electricity supplier and outbound tourism are luxury goods prices tend to be transparent. more and more Chinese consumers to purchase items through purchasing LV and outside brokers from eligible

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