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On the occasion of expensive luxury goods in mainland China is the common cause of multiple rules. Beijing Daily reporter learned that, according to the current import tariff, import cosmetics, leather clothing and accessories, luggage and footwear category required to pay a 10% tariff, 17% VAT, some high-end consumer goods need to pay 10% -40% range of sale tax. However, the removal of these taxes, LV with a product priced in mainland China is still far higher than the European and American markets. Insiders pointed out, LV luxury big as the international line, has a monopoly in the market and pricing, the primary market for such luxury goods in mainland China, LV may consciously raise prices to reap high profits. Meanwhile, LV in the country has many different levels of agents, these agents often lack bargaining power, even if taxes decreased LV may remain high price strategy. This arrogance \xB7 Tuoyun encyclical \xB7 Ti \x95 urn-shaped yellow? 5 years, reaching 85.09 years, 80.47 years for men, and women, a difference of 4.62 years. At the same time, in 2015, the city's resident population of the maternal mortality rate 6.66 / 100,000, the resident population of the infant mortality rate 4.58 \xB0. The average life expectancy than the previous two-year high in 2015, the city registered population life expectancy compared to the previous two years has increased: in 2014, the city registered population average life expectancy of 82.29 years; in 2013, the population of Shanghai life expectancy reached 82.47 years (men 80.19 years, women 84.79 years); in 2012, the city registered population average life expectancy of 82.41 years. What is the life expectancy mean? Disease control experts explain, especially released life expectancy age group 0 life expectancy. In the social crowd, the length of each person's life being subject to their own health conditions, constraints, but at the same time restricted by social, economic, and cultural levels and health conditions and other factors. Life expectancy is a reflection of the health of the population overall index is a kind of human life according to the forecast, the forecast for the average life expectancy age of a year-old man still capable of survival in the future, is a calculated based on the mortality rate of all ages integrated indicators, can combine the expression levels of mortality of all ages, reflecting the future survival of a population the average age. Nearly half of the 'Fat Man' and what is the average life expectancy ranks the most relevant? Director of the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control, Shanghai Preventive Medicine

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