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ï»\xBF(Reporter Zhang said positive) in the end what is 'world class' university? 'Chinese and Foreign University Presidents Roundtable 2015' was held in Tianjin University 1, 2009, at home and abroad well-known university presidents, top experts in education over a hundred people gathered together. Discussion, 'university rankings' became Foreign University Presidents not open around the topic. In this regard, Xiamen University President Zhu Chongshi said the university can not get lost in the 'notch' in the process, there must be 'anyone', there is insight. 'No chart you came in what position, you will be able to determine what they are.' USA Rice University President David Blond management believes that the pursuit of university rankings will only make more and more convergence, and forget my qualities . Each university should have its own unique place, whether it is the number and scale, are not part of the university spirit. Southwest Jiaotong University president Xu Fei then use a 'joke' depicts the university ranking of hazards: 'We all know that the lion is the king of the forest, other animals must learn to Lions after a number of years, in addition to a lion or lions, and other animals. have become a madman. '' our most important thing is to maintain the diversity of university, I think this is the most important challenge facing the University. 'president of Tongji University Pei Gang said. 'A good university, in fact, do not look at what rank, you just go in and the teachers and students to talk and listen to what they are thinking, how to the problem, I think what the problem is, you know this is not a world-class school a. 'in the eyes of Lin Jianhua, president of Peking University, a world-class university is to face the future, to lead the future. (Finish) Dahe Zhoukou October 1 hearing since autumn straw Jinshao, Zhoukou Taikang still many villages and towns working poor, straw burning is serious, and the provincial government interviews. Dahe reporters today learned from Zhoukou City Hall, the city has made to Taikang reprimand, and to give economic sanctions early 2000 million, also over leading cadres to give the appropriate punishment. Zhoukou City Hall said in his briefing, recently, thorough investigation by the Steering Group, the news media, the masses and the National Meteorological and social resources satellite remote sensing monitoring found Taikang County in the autumn straw Jinshao work, there is inadequate attention, inadequate measures ,

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