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Temperature forecasts and sea winds yellow warning, expected to 8:00 today, including the southern North Central, including other places, will have been a 5 to 6, 7 to 8 gust northwest wind. At the same time, the temperature will drop 6 ~ 8 â„\x83, cooling rate in some areas up to 10 â„\x83 or more. So, yesterday morning that rain, clouds and residual typhoon also work together to bring the cold air. Yesterday, Hangzhou, the temperature only 23.2 â„\x83, morning minimum temperature 15 â„\x83, tomorrow morning at about the same temperature. I had never been seen the sun had not yet risen, without adding a coat really could not leave. But go cold cold, the sun still a little hot during the day, almost from the beginning to today, 4, are sunny days, to stroll hurried. 5-7 day holiday late, here again cold, rainy days will come back to kill again. Xinhua Tianjin, October 2 (Reporter Mao Zhenhua) reporter from the Tianjin Binhai New Area on the 2nd government was informed, after the Tianjin Port '8.12' explosion, choose to meet repurchase house, then check out housing needs of the affected people, maintenance of the real estate market order, the District recently organized more than 30 surrounding provide stable prices in the sale of high-quality housing project housing prices symposium, called on housing prices. New housing prices in the relevant departments of the forum called for maintenance of District real estate market, housing prices and recommended to take 'short, flat, fast' sales strategy for damaged residential owners to provide high-quality housing prices stable, prices may not deliberate or the cover plate sellers, disrupting Area real estate market. 'To allow the affected residents as soon as possible to buy the right house, we will extend the stability of prices and the affected people time down payment and other issues, has been with the area of ​​real estate enterprise communication.' Deputy director of the Office of Beitang corporate headquarters campus TEDA Zhang Yue Say. The region relatively close distance from the explosion area, there are many real estate projects under construction in the sale, purchase for severely damaged area residents. Listening to Highland Shan real estate in the area, Shao Bin Tianjin Jiaxi Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd. sales manager, told reporters that the recent introduction of real estate will house 100 cash sale. 'We insist on the price of the Rate '8.12' before the accident, and the affected people from the purchase contract to delivery time down payment from seven days to a month.' In early September, the Binhai New Area to stabilize the local housing

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