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Chinese network Shenyang October 2 (Reporter Derived From Quaternary, Li Zheng) Reporters from Dandong Municipal Propaganda Department was informed that at 7:20 on the 2nd or so, Dandong City, Liaoning Yijuminlou gas explosion occurred, the accident killed four people, five people injured. It occurred in the building 82 units located in eight Dandong City ingot District Office of the streets of New silk two 11-storey residential building. Nearby residents said the gas explosion occurred when accompanied by a huge noise, and a number of residents fan windows were shattered. It is understood that the accident in the hospital for treatment after five injured out of danger. After the accident, Dandong municipal government has launched emergency rescue plan, is organizing relevant departments to make every effort to rescue personnel and the rehabilitation work. Cause of the accident is under investigation. Edit: SN054 Tiananmen Square. Tourists are painting. Mei Yonghong resignation of the mayor of Jining City, Shandong, Shenzhen sea. Data for According to the Hainan Daily reporter Shu reporter Huang Yuanyan 2 from Sanya City, the relevant department, concern China's first branch Tourist Police - Tourist Police Division, Sanya Municipal Public Security Bureau has now been formally approved, this year's National Day Golden Zhoushun Li stationed in Sanya public visitors center formally assume the maintenance of tourism in Sanya tourism market order and security environment of the task. Sanya City Public Security Bureau police detachment travel preparatory group was established nearly a month since the work already carried out a number of tourism in Sanya City market governance management. The detachment joint tourism, industry and commerce, transportation and other departments in the fight against the black car, black lead and other special operations, arrested and held in administrative detention black lead six people and seized illegal operation of vehicles 3, investigated involving tours 5 cases; illegal diving point in the fight against action, captured and handed over the Bay border police administrative detention for illegal business involving 2 divers, seized and transferred to the city of Oceanic handling 'three noes' a speedboat; joint tourism, marine, sports and other departments to carry out joint enforcement black dive sites ; and City of Industry, Tourism Committee, the Department of the three tourist shopping conducted joint law enforcement, effectively deter illegal operators. At the same time, tourism has been on the police detachment in Sanya City tourism market were investigated thoroughly, and collect clues involving tour for the next trip to handle cases involving lay a solid foundation. The responsible Sanya City

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