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He reported that in some ways, the influence of American culture on China to be deeper than ever before. Despite censorship, restrictions on imports and Internet cultural barriers, but American television, film, music and technology has been widely and eagerly accepted. Xi Jinping during his visit to admit this effect, he referred to the American writer and television hit series 'House of Cards' and several Hollywood films, he met with well-known companies from Silicon Valley high pipe. However, studies and surveys show that many Chinese people, including youth, the United States is still wary of Washington's diplomatic intent harbor hostility, especially in relation to the territorial claims of China's growing influence and when. China is not unique in this regard, but its rising status on this culture that is so interesting to contrast and political distrust is particularly clear. 'Even if you have soft power of culture and cultural attraction, that does not mean people agree with or support your policy.' Xie Tao, a professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said his research public opinion and the Sino-US relations. He said that in his students, 'You can feel more agreeable to undergraduate American culture, including its education and basketball and other things, but the mention of US policy, many of whom had strong critics. 'polls show that many people support the Chinese Government's views on international relations issues, although they envy other aspects of American life. Pew Research Center and other institutions showed that the United States and the American Industrial some admirable values ​​are often mixed with wariness, especially for the US government wary of overseas intentions. (These surveys show that many Americans Chinese government and vice versa.) Reported that, based on the latest research results of polls taken this year showed that 67 percent of Chinese respondents said that China will replace or has replaced the US as the world's number one superpower . (In Western countries, many of the respondents agree with this statement.) Accounted for 54 percent of most Chinese people say that the United States is trying to prevent China becoming as powerful as saying. According to Xinhua News Agency reporters on the 2nd from the Tianjin Binhai New Area government was informed, after the Tianjin Port '8.12' explosion, as

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