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Ltd. is a part in the transformation process of the enterprise. It is located in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, the newly industrialized factories, machine operator arm and assembled together orange computer mouse and keyboard. Deng Qiu Wei, deputy general manager of the company said their Chinese factories are engaged in manufacturing, 'a revolution.' Pennefather company started five years ago to promote automation. The company has installed more than 70 manufactured by ABB robots used to assemble the mouse, keyboard and its components. Ever since these robots, the company annual savings of $ 1.6 million in salary expenses, the number of workers decreased from more than 3,000 people during the peak period of 2010 to now less than 1,000 people. This highlights the upgrading China's leaders for the development of industrial robotics ambitious plans. Chinese President Xi Jinping last year referred to the 'robot revolution' in a speech, affirmed the important role of automation in improving productivity. In the past three years, the Chinese government introduced a number of subsidies and tax relief and other incentives to encourage the development of local implementation of industrial automation and robotics industry. Some provinces have introduced the 'Machine Substitution' program, the goal is to replace workers with robots. According to Xinhua News Agency reported that manufacturing center in southern China's Guangdong Province in March this year, said it will invest 943 billion yuan to encourage about 2,000 large manufacturers buy robots. The provincial capital Guangzhou plans by 2020 to achieve 80% automation of production activities. China's rising wages further promote the automation revolution. For decades, China appears to depend on a steady stream of cheap labor to promote economic growth. With China to stop increasing the number of working-age population growth and the Chinese university graduates, the situation was broken, resulting in reduction in the supply of unskilled workers, the minimum wage rose in double digits, and a growing trade dispute more. Deng Qiu Wei said Pennefather company's wage bill rose 15-20% per year is to promote their use of robots is an important factor. He said: '... A high turnover of frontline workers and more and more people do not want to engage in repetitive work these two issues make China's manufacturing sector is under tremendous pressure' in

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