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Yao 7 reservation quantity in China has reached 9 million. However, since we realized that mobile operators in the UK remain influential, and the glory and the United Kingdom has the fourth largest network operator 3 UK to establish a cooperative partnership. Glory said the move will have a 'brand synergy' effect to help promote and sell new glory phone. 3 UK marketing director Thomas Malexici said the company has tens of thousands of consumers have begun to buy mobile phones from China through e-commerce channels, it is a trend that prompted the glory of 7 3 UK became the exclusive UK operating partner. He said: '.. Last year, as many as five the number of consumers to buy these brands of mobile phones through Chinese network channel that is half a year ago, but just the beginning, so you can imagine how much added,' He said: ' Therefore, we think this is a good sign that there is a tendency, which is a growing trend, although still not big enough, but being developed become a big wave. this is why we consider it necessary to join them as soon as possible reason. 'such as the glory of China's smart phone brand may be part of this trend, but they also need to work to get rid of' cheap cottage iPhone 'image of the manufacturer, be possible to win the British consumers, and by virtue of its own power become a respected brand. Reported that Samsung and Apple, respectively, accounted for 22% and 16% share of the global smart phone market, the two companies are now also worried about the threat of China is unlikely to competitors constituted. But Wood said the brand is not everything, those with outstanding design, superior performance and affordable price phone appeal can not be underestimated. He said: 'It's easy to forget that in 15-20 years, LG and Samsung brands such also in love Gu (Argos) and Comet and other discount stores sell cheap microwave ovens.' He said: 'As time goes on, these companies have to establish itself as a leading consumer electronics brand. China finds big brands can not achieve a major breakthrough in the next few years will be very foolish. '(compile / Wang Lei) Today, media reports said, Shangluo City Shangzhou District Party Committee, Deputy Governor Li Xue allow for personal promotion,

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